Congratulations to Qasim!
He was awarded a SNSF Early Postdoc Mobility Fellowship. Qasim will join the group of Professor Yuriy Román-Leshkov at the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT in Spring 2018, where he will study the valorization of lignin via the activation of C-O, C-H and C-C bonds in lignin derived phenolic dimers.
We are on Advanced Materials cover page!

Our research entitled “Multishelled CaO microspheres stabilized by atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 for enhanced CO2 capture performance” appeared on the cover of Advanced Materials (November 6, 2017).
World, welcome a new PhD! Yong Chen succesfully defended his thesis.

Topic of his work is "Lattice Boltzmann simulations of fluid-solid momentum and heat transfer in gas-solid flows comprising cubic particles".
Photos from traditional yearly group hike !

Now from Stanserhorn!
Dr. Debajeet Bora now is an Assistant Professor!

He started his tenure track in Centre for Nano and Materials Science, Jain University. Congratulations!
New Master's projects are available!
Two new projects regarding granular materials 1) "Bubbles in fluidized beds" 2) "Shock Waves in Granular Material". If you are interested, please visit our Intranet section for ETH students.
New PostDoc Chris Boyce joined our group!

Before joining the group, Chris was a postdoc working with Prof. Sundaresan at Princeton University to study gas-solid flows with interparticles forces using computational modeling. At ETH, Chris intends to work on MRI of hydrodynamics and chemical reactions in multiphase flow systems.