
Autochem 2920
- Fully automated catalyst characterization instrument via dynamic flow method
- Gas analysis: Thermal conductivity detector (TCD) with Cirrus 2 Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer installation
- Temperature: -100 - 1000 °C with Cryo-cooler installation
- Analysis:
1) Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR); H2
2) Temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO); O2 and CO2
3) Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD); CO2 and NH3
4) Chemisorption; H2, CO and N2O
5) Single point N2 physisorption

DRIFTS - Nicolet 6700 FT-IR Spectrometer from Thermo Scientific
external page Click here to read about DRIFTS.
- Pressure up to 30 bar using ZnSe window

PANalytical Empyrean X-ray Powder Diffractometer
Instrument specifications
- CuKα X-ray radiation (standard operation)
- Bragg-Brentano HD incident beam optics
- X’Celerator Scientific ultra-fast line detector
- Sample changer for 15 samples and Si zero-background sample holders – 32 mm available
- Data collector software: Highscore and ICDD PDF-2 2015 database
- Mo X-ray radiation (installation on demand)
- Diffracted beam 1d monochromator (for suppression of fluorescence radiation)
- Capillary spinner stage (data collection in transmission geometry)
- Anton Paar XRK 900 reaction chamber for powder XRD experiments at variable temperature, and in various gas atmospheres (reduced, oxidizing or inert atmospheres) is available
For more information contact: Abdala, Paula ; Donat Felix

PID high pressure reactor
- Two independent temperature and pressure controlled Hastelloy X reactors in parallel with completely independent gas and liquid feed control each
- HPLC Gilson pump
- Isco pump
- 2 liquid gas separators (one per reactor)
- External box including 7 MFCs gas feed per each reactor (total 14 MFCs)
Maximum temperature at 1 bar : 1200 ºC
Maximum temperature at 100 bar : 800 ºC

Catalyst Testing Rig ( Methane Reforming )
- independent Bronkhorst MFCs to feed different reactant gases
- Evaporator mixer for co-feeding of liquid (H2O) with reactant gases
- Radiating furnace with low thermal inertia capable of reaching 950 °C
- Stainless-steel and quartz, 9-mm reactors
- PerkinElmer GC (Clarus 580) equipped with TCD and FID

Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) - Picosun R-200
- Integrated with nitrogen glove box
- Sample holder for up to 8”/200mm wafers or pieces of wafers
- 4 separate precursor source systems: 2 liquid (PicosolutionTM 100) and 2 solid (Picosolid BoosterTM)
- Ozone generator
- Holder for depositing onto powder
- Maximum deposition temperature of 500°C