Annelies Landuyt

Annelies Landuyt

Annelies Landuyt

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-MAVT

ETH Zürich

Inst. f. Energie-u.Verfahrenstech.

LEE P 228

Leonhardstrasse 21

8092 Zürich


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Research area

CaO-  and MgO- based CO2 sorbents, in situ and operando spectroscopy

Annelies Landuyt studied Chemistry at Ghent University, where she received her bachelor (2016) and master degrees (2018). During her bachelor studies she was selected for the Honours Award in Sciences project, during which she developed an algorithm that allows for the automated sequencing of sequence-defined polymers. She spent the final year of her master studies at ETH Zürich, conducting her Master thesis project in the group of Prof. Kovalenko at both ETH Zürich and EMPA. The Master thesis project focussed on obtaining fundamental understanding of perovskite nanocrystals by means of single dot spectroscopy and applying them as next-generation security labels. After her Master studies, Annelies did an industry internship at Climeworks (Zürich) in the research and development team. In May 2019, she started her Ph.D. in the Laboratory of Energy Science and Engineering at ETH Zürich and she is currently working on the development and detailed characterization of CaO- and MgO-based sorbents for CO2 capture.


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